Money Wellness


    Teenagers studying at desks in a classroom

    Don’t miss out – one week to extend child benefit for over 16s

    You have one week from GCSE results day to extend your claim for child benefit for teenagers continuing in education or training.

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    Coins and banknotes

    Will your benefit payments be affected by the bank holiday?

    How your benefit payments might be affected by the bank holiday weekend and what you need to do.

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    Ultra Low Emissions Zone sign in London

    Cash grants available to drivers affected by expansion of London green zone

    A scrappage scheme has been set up to pay London residents to replace high-polluting vehicles.

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    Image of a man, woman and child looking worried about bills

    Low-income families missing out on social tariff savings

    A recent study has found low-income families are missing out on help from on social tariffs as they're unaware they exist. Find out all about social tariffs here and how they could help you

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    Image of a piggy bank with a santa hat on

    Millions on benefits to get a £10 cash boost this Christmas

    Millions of people on benefits set to get a one-off £10 cash bonus this Christmas. Find out if you qualify and when you'll receive the boost

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    Image of a pensioner wrapped up warm looking at bills
    money booster

    DWP urges pensioners to check they’re not missing out on £3,500 worth of support

    The DWP launches a campaign to target thousands of pensioners who could be missing out on extra financial support

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    Image of a mum crouched down behind her child on a bike

    Single parents urged to write to their MPs about how changes to universal credit in autumn will affect their family

    Increasing parents working threshold to universal credit to 30 hours will penalise single parents, according to charity, Single Parent Rights

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    Image of a pensioner counting out money on a table

    Pessimism and misunderstanding could leave people facing poverty in retirement

    Limited understanding about pensions has left people pessimistic about retirement. Find out what what you're entitled to here

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    Man in a wheelchair fills in an application on his phone

    New system could speed up essential benefits payments

    A new government trial could result in thousands of sick and disabled people getting essential benefits payments more quickly.

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    black and white image of a dad looking upset holding his son's hand

    Bereaved cohabiting parents could be missing out on financial help

    Cohabiting parents have just six months left to claim backdated financial support if their partner has passed away. Find out here if you qualify for the help

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