Money Wellness



    Renters face £2k ‘eviction tax’

    Unwanted moving can push renters into poverty

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    Illustration of cold woman in blanket next to radiator

    ‘Warm homes, lower bills’: Labour’s plan to tackle fuel poverty

    Government to pledge better homes for all renters

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    An illustration of two people holding up a house on a board to symbolise interest rates holding.

    Interest rates held at 5%

    What this means for your money

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    Illustration of landlord passing keys to a new home to their tenant

    Will a ban on rental bidding wars help curb soaring rental costs?

    Warning that banning rental bidding wars is not a silver bullet

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    Illustration of a woman cowering in the shadow of her abuser

    Domestic abusers weaponising joint mortgages

    More than 750,000 UK women have been affected by mortgage abuse

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    Illustration of someone signing a new tenancy

    New eviction protections welcomed, but concerns over missed opportunities on rent control

    Reaction to the Renters' Rights Bill.

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    An illustration of a couple standing outside their council house with the key, having bought it under right to buy.

    Right-to-buy policy will be reformed

    Deputy PM wants the scheme to stay

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    An illustration of four houses in yellow, green, blue and red between two trees with a blue, cloudy sky in the background.

    People waiting for social housing for 10+ years

    Four in five councils have long wait times.

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    An illustration of a hand holding out a purple key with an orange house keyring attached.

    Controlling rent does more harm than good

    Global review findings

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    An illustration of a small house between two trees. The house has a red front door and two windows, one larger one downstairs and a small one upstairs.

    Home insurance premiums reach record high

    Why you’re paying more and how to make it cheaper

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