Money Wellness


    Illustration of older people on laptop

    Benefit now claimable online but only on Mondays

    Apply for attendance allowance online

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    Illustrated image of a family. Changes to child benefit payments have resulted in a 16% rise in applications. Find out if you qualify for the payment

    Child benefit claims on the rise - check if you qualify

    Changes to child benefit payments have resulted in a 16% rise in applications. Find out if you qualify for the payment

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    Illustration of teenagers

    Don’t forget to extend your teen’s child benefits

    Extend your claim by 31 August

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    An illustration of an old man and an old woman who are both worrying about money because they've been affected by the state pension error after being widowed.

    State pension error affecting widows

    You might have been underpaid – check now.

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    An illustration of an older woman wrapped in a blanket worrying about money. An empty piggy bank sits at her feet and her wallet is empty because she no longer gets the winter fuel payment from government.

    ‘Older people will suffer this winter,’ charities warn

    Pension credit review needed

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    Image of someone warming their hands on a radiator. The government is encouraging pensioners to see if they’re eligible for pension credit so that they can secure a winter fuel payment

    Government launches drive to get more pensioners claiming pension credit

    The government is encouraging pensioners to see if they’re eligible for pension credit so that they can secure a winter fuel payment

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    Illustrated image of a piggy bank. HMRC and DWP have confirmed changes to scheduled payments in August. Find out if your payment will change

    Changes to DWP and HMRC payments in August

    HMRC and DWP have confirmed changes to scheduled payments in August. Find out if your payment will change

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    Illustrated image of someone in a wheelchair. At the end of last month, reforms to the social care system were quietly scrapped. Find out what dropping the reform means for you and your money

    Social care reforms scrapped: What it means for you

    At the end of last month, reforms to the social care system were quietly scrapped. Find out what dropping the reform means for you and your money

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    Illustrated image of people going on holiday. Universal credit and PIP claimants planning holidays are warned to keep the DWP informed or risk prosecution

    Holidays and your benefits: What you need to know

    Universal credit and PIP claimants planning holidays are warned to keep the DWP informed or risk prosecution

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    An illustration of a young woman sitting on the floor with her face buried in her arms and her knees pulled up. Three rainclouds sit above her, symbolising financial difficulty.

    Tens of thousands of unpaid carers in financial crisis

    Benefits overpayments being clawed back

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