Money Wellness


Get all the latest news and expert advice on the money matters that matter to you. Rent, mortgages, bills, benefits and more. 

Get all the latest news and expert advice on the money matters that matter to you. Rent, mortgages, bills, benefits and more. 

    Illustration of a hand holding a prepaid card
    managing your money

    Popularity of prepaid cards soars - should you get one?

    One in five Brits are now using prepaid cards. Find out what they are and if getting one could help you.

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    Illustration of a shark attacking a woman with a large coin

    Over 3 million people turned to loan sharks in the last year

    Millions of people turned to a loan shark in the last year. Find out what to do if you think you’re dealing with one and what’s driving the rise in illegal lending.

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    Illustration of a woman with the hand of a man covering her mouth

    Call for more help for survivors of economic abuse

    More needs to be done to help victims of economic abuse regain financial independence, according to a new report from UK Finance. Find out what changes they’re calling for and the additional measure we think is vital to help survivors of financial abuse.

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    Illustrated image of two people holding up a postcard of the world. Which? recommends to go to Europe to save on Centre Parc breaks. Cheaper holidays
    managing your money

    Make savings on Center Parcs holidays by visiting Europe

    New research by Which? found it cheaper to look abroad for breaks than stay in the UK. Find out how to make savings on your next holiday

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    Illustration of six kids holding piggy banks
    managing your money

    International Day of Families – 15 May

    Get tips on improving your kids money-management skills.

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    Illustration of a box of food with a red heart on the front
    cost of living

    Food banks seeing highest ever demand

    Find out what to do if you're struggling to pay for essentials.

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    Illustration of a giant hand picking up somebody's home and that person falling out
    cost of living

    Home repossessions on the rise

    With more homes being repossessed at the start of 2024 than the end of 2023, find out what to do if you fall behind on your mortgage repayments.

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    Illustration of a women sitting at her laptop making a phone call on her mobile phone

    HMRC callers left on hold for 800 years

    With people spending the equivalent of 800 years on hold to HMRC in 2022-23, it might be faster and simpler to talk to your employer before picking up the phone.

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    Illustration of a man at a computer analysing data

    Fears crackdown on benefit fraud could lead to another Post Office Horizon-style scandal

    As the government announces plans for a fresh crackdown on benefit fraud, a group of MPs has warned the mass surveillance of tens of millions of people's bank accounts could result in a scandal similar to the one that saw hundreds of innocent subpostmasters jailed.

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    Illustrated image of a yellow sun on a mobile phone screen. Ways to protect your phone in the sun
    managing your money

    Keep your gadgets chilled this summer and save yourself the repair bill

    Sunny days can bring with them unplanned extra costs like bills for repairing heat damage. Here are some tips for protecting your tech when temperatures start to soar

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    Illustrated images of different cats. Cat owners to face £500 fine if their don't microchip their cats
    managing your money

    Cat owners who fail to microchip their moggies to be fined £500

    Cat owners have less than a month left to get their cats microchipped. Find out why and where you can get it done for free

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    Illustrated images people struggling with mental health. Mental health and money
    managing your money

    Mental Health Awareness Week – 13-19 May

    Money and mental health go hand-in-hand. Find out why and where to get support.

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    Illustration of a magnifying glass hovering over the jobs page of a newspaper

    Nearly 200,000 benefit claimants forced to look for more work from today

    New rules come into force today (13 May) that mean over 180,000 universal credit claimants will have to start looking for more work. Find out if you'll be affected.

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    Illustrated image of a Gen Z looking worried about money. Financial stress takes a toll on mental health
    managing your money

    Financial stress takes a toll on Gen Z's mental health

    A new study reveals that a significant portion of young adults aged 16 to 24 are struggling with the emotional and mental impact of financial pressures

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    Illustrated image of a phone paying another phone. Digital payments. Protect your digital payments from fraud
    managing your money

    Almost Half of Britons Rely on Phones for Payments

    £259 billion digital transactions were made by Brits last year. Find out how to protect your digital banking apps

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