Money Wellness


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    Illustration of people analysing banking data on a giant computer screen with a giant magnifying glass

    Recent trial shows how monitoring benefit claimants’ bank accounts might work

    Find out how monitoring benefit claimants' bank accounts is likely to work if new legislation gets passed and what DWP will be looking for.

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    Illustration of a wallet and some pound coins

    Will your benefit payments be affected by the late May bank holiday?

    Your benefit payments might be affected by the bank holiday on Monday 27 May. Find out which benefits are affected and if you need to do anything before being paid.

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    Illustration of a smiling young woman

    DRO numbers reach record high after fee scrapped

    New figures show scrapping the DRO fee has resulted in more people getting crucial debt help. We're now asking the government to go a step further to help domestic abuse survivors in debt.

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    Illustrated image of flowers growing. How to garden on a budget
    money saver

    10 savvy ways to garden on a budget

    Ten ways to make your garden Chelsea Flower Show worthy, without breaking the bank

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    Illustration of a piggy bank with a money tree growing out of it
    cost of living

    Cost-of-living crisis brings out Brits’ savvy side

    Find out how the cost-of-living crisis has affected our spending habits.

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    Illustration of a postman delivering a letter

    Those claiming housing benefit only next in line to switch to universal credit

    People on housing benefit only are set to start receiving migration letters from next month telling them they need to make a claim for universal credit. Find out what to do if you receive a letter.

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