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    Image of a Union Jack flag that's cracking up and broken
    cost of living

    Britain – the growing divide between the haves and have nots

    A new report has exposed Britain is in danger of becoming a 'two nation' state not seen since the Victorian era

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    Image of a man with a woolly hat on

    10 energy myths that’ll cost you more and make you shiver

    There's lots of old wives' tales about energy saving. We debunk some of the most common myths so they don't end up costing you more

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    Image of tea light candles in jam jars surrounded by pine cones and fur tree branches
    money saver

    Make your house festive for less this Christmas

    It doesn't need to cost a fortune to get your house ready for Christmas. Here's seven free - or cheap - ways to get your home ready for the festivities

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    Teens in a circle holding smartphones

    Mobile phone companies sued for overcharging loyal customers

    A class action is being brought against the UK's leading mobile phone companies for failing to automatically reduce prices for contract customers once their handset is paid for. Find out what to do if you've been overcharged.

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    An excited couple move into their first home

    Children of homeowners twice as likely to get a foot on the housing ladder

    People aged 25-39 whose parents are homeowners are twice as likely as their peers with parents who rent to have a foot on the housing ladder, new research has revealed.

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    Image taken above a table filled with food
    cost of living

    Aldi trumps Sainsburys with the cheapest Christmas meal

    The UK's supermarkets have gone to war to help you feed the family for less on Christmas day. Find out what's on offer

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